Wednesday, October 5, 2021
Media Contact:
Antwan G. Aiken, LCSW, MPA
CEO/ Co-Founder
The Aiken Foundation
Instagram: @theaikenfoundation | Facebook: The Aiken Foundation
Twitter: @theaikenfounda1
Official Launch, Fundraiser Event
ATLANTA, GEORGIA - The Aiken Foundation, an IRS tax-exempt 501(c)(3) Public Charity Nonprofit Organization, is pleased to announce our 7th Annual Aiken Holiday Party which will be held on Saturday, December 4, 2021, in Atlanta, Georgia. The dual purpose of this “party for a purpose” event will be to fundraise monies that support the mission of The Aiken Foundation while also bringing in the holiday season.
This event will include remarks, a ribbon cutting and unity toast as The Aiken Foundation is officially launched, having been founded in 2020 during the global pandemic. A full Covid-19 protocol will be in place at this event, as applicable with relevant CDC guidance.
This event is private, invite only, not open to the public.
Ø To support The Aiken Foundation please consider making a tax-deductible donation online at our website at or you can access the link below:
The Aiken Foundation is missioned “to support and invest in local minority and marginalized communities through the allocation and development of varied resources.”
For any questions about the content of this press release or The Aiken Foundation in general, please reach out to the media contact.